What is Bucket Lid Seal? - 翻译中...June 19, 2023Thank you for reading today's post. The product we are introducing today is mainly about bucket lid seal, which can also be called waterproof cover. Below, we will introduce this product to you ba...view
The introduction of silver foil - 翻译中...July 24, 2023Abstract:A hot stamping material made of metal aluminum directly rolled into thin sheets, the hot stamping effect is similar to that of pure silver foil, so it is also called false silver foil. Due to...view
Liner bag for 210L open drum - 翻译中...June 10, 2023There is no need to clean the inside of the barrel, and the contents are easy to take out by opening the lid, which is hygienic. The liquid items in the drum can be used more efficiently. Product feat...view